But what is fear?
Oct 31, 2020
By: Hannah Gapuz
Some people think of fear
as the monsters under the bed,
ghosts in the closet,
or a creak in the dead of night.
For others, it’s the dark,
heights, spiders, or roaches.
And for the rest, fear may
takes the form of public speaking,
judgment, the future, or death.
But what is fear? I see it
as a weed that grows in your garden.
It is a thief — one that steals energy
and makes you weary, but it also is
an itch that nags you for a scratch.
It may be easy to fear,
but one shouldn’t dwell on it –
don’t let it rule your life,
and rob you of opportunities.
We only have so much time,
it shouldn’t be wasted on
thoughts self-inflicted
that hold you from moving forward.