Editor’s Note


Hello, you! Thank you to whoever has decided to pick up our newsletter and taken the time to scroll through our thoughts and words. We would have liked to introduce this project in person, in the MPH along with the rest of the student body present. Nonetheless, we’re glad you’re here. This quarter, we’ve experienced a multitude of experiences that we were all a little hesitant to give in to. The online setting meant we actually haven’t had any real life meetings, no Wednesday and Friday workshops and not even the bickering and brainstorming over who gets to write which article. Amidst the circumstance, I’m happy to say that these articles didn’t decrease in quality because of the situation that we’ve found ourselves in. Rather, it formed some even greater writers and let the old ones write about things you’d never have expected them to come up with. From short stories about their roommates being eldritch entities to commentary about cancel culture and even a letter to their younger self. This quarter’s news has plenty of pieces to choose from. With that, know that all of these works were made with thought and care, lots of reminders to submit and a team of editors that gave up hours during their exam week to bring to you today. Happy reading, browsing or even just looking at the pictures. We hope you like it! x, Nadine Editor-In-Chief S.Y. 2020–2021



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