Welcome Back, MI Wolves!

MIIS Phronesis
2 min readNov 1, 2020


By: Neomi Gerbuyos

At the start of a new school year, orientation week is considered to be a warm welcome to the MIIS family as we begin our school year. This event was held from 8:00 am to 11:00 am on August 10, 2020, until August 20, 2020, in all of the classes’ respective google meets. For the students to learn more information about MI’s Virtual Distance Learning Program, all students were expected to attend these orientation sessions.

During the orientation week, themes such as MI’s Virtual Village, Ready for the Future of Work, Norms of Conduct and STS Services, Mindfulness & MIDAS, Growth Mindset & Work Smart Habits, Mentorships, Career Planning, and Subject Teacher Introduction were assigned for each day to be focused on and given information about.

On the first day of orientation, August 10, 2020, the students learned more about the learning platform, VHub, and did several fun activities as a class to catch up and get to know the new students. Activities throughout the week included Kahoot, Jamboard, Quarantine Bingo, poetry writing, and taking time to get sunlight. These were what kept the classes entertained, helping to free their minds from the pandemic stress.

Additionally, students discussed their expectations for this school year. Along with their teachers, they were able to explore and further considered their potential career paths and college plans as well as some motivational tips. Throughout the following days, the topics were regarding the school’s general rules and conduct: hand signals, how to enhance a growth mindset, working smart, and creating a caring class community.

Lastly, mentorships and the introduction of teachers were discussed, activities that the students had really looked forward to.

Overall, the orientation week helped students familiarize themselves with the new learning system and served as a great way to advise and welcome the students before the start of the school year. Students had several interesting moments such as communicating with classmates, learning about new mentorships, seeing new faces, and playing games to get to know the class. This variety of events assisted students to be more comfortable and adjust to their surroundings and current circumstances.



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